Final Project | 2013
I took Life Drawing as an elective during my last semester as an undergraduate student. I had never studied art formally prior to this class. We learned about proportions, foreshortening, and shading. Through this class, I gained a new appreciation for all aspects of art and its critics. This is a sample of my work.
Senior Project | 2013
My undergraduate Electrical Engineering Senior Design/CAPSTONE project was creating a wireless, electronic stethoscope. This stethoscope would amplify the sound created by your heart and had an infrared pulse sensor attached. Our Smart Stethoscope also broadcast those signals to a smart phone app to display and analyze the waveform. We were then able to use the waveform to determine various ailments such as tachycardia, arrhythmia, hypoxia, and so on. This proof-of-design Smart Stethoscope allowed our team to win 1st place in the Most Commercial Ready category at the first annual Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station design competition.
Group Project | 2002
As part of an school assignment, students were split into groups of about 5-6 and tasked with creating a four foot tall scale, replica of the World War II V2 rocket. The year was spent constructing the rocket and calculating its various expectations. The students during the course of this year determined all aerodynamic properties, such as the center of gravity, drag due to physical deformations, and so forth. We were also responsible for predicting all aspects of the flight path, such as altitude, total distance traveled, duration of flight, expected landing location based on weather conditions, and so on. As a payload, we were given an altimeter. I was tasked with being the team leader for this project, and we were able to finish second overall out of fifteen teams.
Personal Essay | 2007
Before attending college, I did a gap year in Israel on a program called Year Course. The program provided college credit and volunteer experience. Shortly after arriving in Israel, the program took many of the students to The Kotel (aka The Western Wall or The Wailing Wall). This moment was a strong, spiritual experience for me. I documented it so that I could relive it years later. My writing was subsequently published in the international newsletter the program would send to all participants and their families.